Felix wanted me to let you all know
that when he gets really really angry and mad, it's because he has the power of the Underworld.
He also has the power of the world we live in.
It's easy to put his power back, because he just lets it go back to the Underworld.
People who can see the future have the power of the Underworld.
The Underworld is way ahead of Australia and every other country.
He wants to go back to the Underworld but he's stuck and that, is the problem.
So THAT'S Oldest's problem...
The Underworld is way ahead of Australia? Tell me something John Howard didn't already share with GDubya...
But Felix's (how do you do a possessive with Felix, by the way?) ability to see the future warrants further investigation. Start him out with footy tipping then we'll move to Lotto numbers - we're rich, I tell you: RICH!!!
You might want to refrain from eating pomegranates in his presence. I'm just sayin'.
Ah. Well. Yes. Duly noted.
P.S. Badger, I didn't know you could be a Classics-type smartass. My respect for you has advanced.
Joke, dude, I was a lit minor. I gotcher Classics RIGHT HERE.
Oooh, the Underworld, I think I've been there once or twice.
Ha ha ha ha Next semester I'm taking a classics subject called Underworld and Afterlife. I'll call Felix when I require assistance.
(Suse, typing anonymously from abroad).
Suse is 'abroad'???
Is this where all children come from?
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