
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings

BEC? MY FLOAT? DON'T LOOK DOWN. Click here first.
  1. Out of place ::hair
  2. Helicopter ::chopper
  3. Francis ::McBean
  4. Ryan ::surfer
  5. Wedding ::Bells
  6. Apalled ::on behalf of Bec
  7. Historian ::dusty
  8. Powerful ::weapon
  9. Sex symbol ::Mel
  10. Uncomfortable ::undies
Other random thoughts: Man, I NEED a haircut ***** WHY are there so many bugs in our house? ***** I am sooo tired ***** that was an awesome fart ***** I've got so much work to do tomorrow ***** The washing? It never EVER ends ***** My mum is making me REALLY REALLY stressed about Felix when all she's trying to do is be helpful. This is the story of my life, my relationship with her. Now I'm second guessing my reactions to her in that maybe I'm putting too much of me and how I felt as a child into my decisions for Felix. And I don't know what to do. ***** Jasper can climb the two stairs up the hallway now. ***** Jasper's smile, the new Tigger-style bouncing when he sees me, the laughing, the eyes like saucers, the colour of which we still can't work out; Oscar's eyes and need to physically be close to me after the events of late last week; and Felix's wisdom and insights way beyond his years and his big blue eyes - all currently warm my soul and swell my heart to a point of bursting - at a time I am so very very tired of being cranky at the world. ***** Funny how as a teenager when you do all those surveys in teenage magazines, I would always say the thing I found most attractive were eyes, height and a sense of humor. And I have a tall husband who makes me laugh and has eyes that twinkle, and together we have produced three sons with the most remarkable eyes possible. ***** I have so many recipes for Eat Me, but so little time to post them. I will get to this soon.


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