
Sunday, September 25, 2005

5 questions that keep me awake or occupy my brain in moments of quiet

1. Why, when we can look to countries like the US who have an entire working-poor underclass do we have a government who wants to introduce policies that will entrench socially and morally reprehensible systems on parts of our community we should be helping, not punishing? 2. Why, when we can look to countries like the US who are living with a government, a media and public agenda being driven by the conservative religious right are we doing so little to ensure the same insidious power imbalance doesn't happen here? I'm talking Howard's commitment to overhauling media ownership laws that will allow cross media ownership and relinquish foreign/local ownership quotas? I'm talking Brendan Nelson giving oxygen to movements who in their heart of hearts think creationist theories should be taught in the science classroom, not the religious studies one. 3. Why do we constantly re-elect a government that is so hell bent on the bottom line it has forgotten that bottom line is only reached by people. With lives. 4. Why do governments fail to see that money spent now - on infrastructure, on a quality education system for ALL, on a quality healthcare system for ALL - is not only money saved in the future, but a sense of community, a sense of pride, a sense of hey-we're-not-in-this-for-ourselves-but-for-each-other, and that those things are what make people feel safe, not ad campaigns about being "alert not alarmed". 5. Why are we so reticent/afraid to tackle the big questions and make the hard decisions? Much of this is just the standard internal monologue I have with myself at any given time of the day. I figure its good to get it out before baby brain returns well and truly. It also comes from a growing sense of unease I have about the good things in Australia being lost to the bad things from everywhere else as we have a government committed to us being one of the big guns in the world, when we simply don't have the population size (nor should we, the environmental impact of such would be horrendous on what is an incredibly fragile and already abused realm of ecosystems that is the Australian continent) nor the geography to sustain such a creation. It comes from just proof-reading amost 40,000 words on the history of Australia in relation to other world events, and realising (well more having it reiterated) just how dreadful human beings can be to each other on any given day and write it off in the interest of economics or the betterment of the world. It comes from meeting up with some great friends today for lunch and us just limping from conversations focusing on pedophilia, refugees, cancer, divorce, politics, child birth (I was there afterall) and other profound things - including the Swans' win of course. And I guess it comes from being about to bring another sprogget into this world which seems so much more focused on the me and less and less caring about the us.


Blogger Bec said...

Hi Dad
You just write your comment into this box then click "other" in the middle dot below this text box. When you click other (you can do it right now without doing any harm) you get another text box in which you can put a name. Pa would be fine, or whatever seems to suit at the time. Steer clear of too much smut as the Pea Princess desires reading this blog above all other material and it is a fine parental (and grandparental) line to keep her away from the Bits.Where.Mummy.Says.Fuck.
In real life I can turn it into Far Out. In Print, with an 'achieving beyond' reader, not possible.
So, when you have entered an 'other' name and finished writing your comment you will see a strange combination of wobbly letters and a box asking you to type them out as they appear. Ignore the wobble and just do your best. sometimes the font the letters are printed in means it is impossible to tell a j from an i, or an l from a j or an i. Don't worry, if you get it wrong the worst that will happen is that a new (and probably more legible) set of letters will appear and you just do it all again.
That's about it. Just ring me if you need to...

ps - kim, i've thrown my tutorial here because this is one of many of your posts my dad has admired. Hang in there.

9/27/2005 10:49:00 pm  
Blogger KPB said...

Oh my GOODNESS, a PARENT is reading this. Mr D - I'm so sorry for all my references that:
- abuse my husband
- abuse my mother - I know you all did (and do) the best job you can
- talk about my body bits in a way-too-graphic way
- ramble on and on and on...

9/28/2005 07:04:00 am  

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