
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Image conscious

This is bad, this is very very bad... now we have pictures and I just want to play! Before I do, however, re the shot of Mr and Mrs Federline, did you notice that oh-so-high school action of running her hands up inside his sleeves? What is she doing in there - checking that Lil Kim hasn't slipped down his collar to hide from the Mob? In the interest of Wednesday being Washing Day let's visit a favourite - the Mobile Crotch Ache himself And now, just for the record, take a look to the right What on earth was she ever doing with him in the first place? Here's Shane's current take on the issue "Unfortunately we live in a society which is pretty judgemental on whatever you do. I have had to live with that. I have loaded the bullets myself a few times. I have made you guys' jobs very easy." Yes, Shane, we're pretty judgemental (sic) when it comes to SERIAL ADULTERY AND REPEATED PUBLIC HUMILIATION OF YOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN. Sheesh. And a final juicy link to a TomKat moment, which is too much fun to miss. tomcruise_katieholmes.asp mtc Bec


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