
Monday, August 15, 2005

Dirty Laundry day

OK people, I have been more than willing to bare my soul on this site about the shallow, eye candy kinda guys I like. Yes, Robbie Williams, Johnny Knoxville, Jake Gyllenhaal and Brad Pitt are all bullseye targets of lust as far as I am concerned. That's right, Katie may have had posters of Tom on her wall when she was a teenager, but I could quite happily have bared-torso shots of the above creatures sitting pretty next to Felix's 300 rocket/robot/transformer/fire/killing-spree artworks and Oscar's 500 you-think-Jackson-Pollack-cornered-the-market-on-fuggly-art creative pieces. Just to make the days seem a little shorter... This white trash lust laundry of mine comes because I saw Troy last night for the first time. This is quite a lame movie, as I'm sorry, but Eric Bana will always look like some guy you went to school with who wore desert boots and Orlando Bloom is so homosexual it is way too hard to imagine any woman bedding him, let alone doing so and creating a war. So, the ONLY think going for this movie is the following: - Brad's arse, bared, several times - Brad's torso, bared, a lot - Brad wearing, essentially, a leather mini skirt (see below) - Brad's arse, bared, several times - Brad looking tortured/angry/warring - Brad's arse, bared, several times - Brad wearing, essentially, a leather mini skirt - Brad looking for revenge - Brad being dirty, sweaty and covered in blood, guts and gore - Brad's arse, bared, several times


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